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Online MSN – MBA: Healthcare Administration Careers

Advance Your Nursing Career with a Unique Skill Set

To advance into today’s advanced healthcare management careers, well-rounded expertise is necessary. Preparation in both business and nursing will help you meet the challenges and opportunities of the complex healthcare profession.

Carlow’s dual MSN – MBA program is robust. Along with two master’s degrees, you’ll also receive a well-rounded education in both nursing education and nursing leadership, allowing you to seamlessly move into advanced healthcare administration careers.

Nurse Administrator


Nurse administrators oversee major decisions in the nursing field, including planning, management and ensuring quality healthcare. Master’s degrees are a common requirement for the role.

Director of Nursing


Directors of nursing supervise the overall quality and efficiency of care in a variety of settings. They facilitate communication among various stakeholders and provide leadership.

Additional healthcare administration careers for graduates include the following:

  • Nurse manager
  • Academic nurse administrator
  • Medical project manager
  • Clinical director

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The Nursing and Business Skills Necessary for MSN – MBA Nursing Careers

Career Support

Our team of instructors and our diverse student community is ready to help you succeed.

Established Partnerships

Carlow has strong relationships with local area hospitals and health organizations to help you secure clinical placements and full-time jobs, as well as tuition discounts.

Career Planning Services

Carlow provides career advising sessions, career-related programming, job search support and employer engagement on and off campus.

Experienced Faculty

Our faculty have years of experience in nursing, leadership and healthcare. They’re prepared to help you find your niche.

A Caring Network

Our alumni community and academic practice partners facilitate career networking opportunities.